Corona-Virus  ·  Dashboard

Zitat der Bundesregierung: "Lassen Sie uns schrittweise das öffentliche und wirtschaftliche Leben wieder öffnen und dabei die Entwicklung der Pandemie immer im Blick haben", sagte Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel. 

COVID-19 - Dashboard


Due to the special information caused by the virus Covid-19 we have created this page to inform you at any time on the current status within Rollo Solar Melichar GmbH.

Since the outbreak of the pandemic our action plan has been in force. All our employees and suppliers have been comprehensively informed about essential preparation and prevention measures in order to ensure operation and ability to deliver.


Availability by business units

Status: 31/08/2022


Last changes:

31.08.2022 No new updates for the time being!

22.11.2021 Adjustments to the protection and hygiene concept

08.11.2021 Introduction of 3G at the workplace and FFP2 mask obligation

26.03 Free CORONA test offers for Rollo Solar employees.

26.03 No service calls in virus variant areas

26.03 The situation on the commodity markets comes to a head

21.09 No service calls in Vienna (Austria) (since 16.09), Spain (02.09) (see below)

14.05 Adjustments UPS shipments (As usual)

27.04 Adjustments UPS shipments (the situation has improved)

08.04 Service in Austria resumed!


Since Rollo Solar relies exclusively on suppliers from Germany, our production capacity is currently not limited.
We are actively monitoring our supply chain and reacting daily.

All our employees can take advantage of free weekly COVID quick tests.

Customer service & general availability

Our employees will continue to be available to you as usual.


Rollo Solar cooperates with different logistics companies. At the present time, all deliveries of goods (even cross-border) are possible.

On-site assistance / travel activities

The safety and health of our employees is a top priority. We therefore adhere strictly to the official instructions and recommendations of the German Foreign Office and the German Federal Ministry of Health. Foreign operations therefore take place in each case after consideration of and compliance with the official instructions.


In addition to mandatory testing for international travel, all of our employees have the opportunity to take weekly COVID rapid tests free of charge.


Due to the RKI's classification as a risk area, no service in:

List of virus variants areas and risk areas

Factsheets & Further information

For your company to print (DIN A4):

Signs and Tips